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Leisure centre manager hailed a hero after ‘saving life’ of gym-goer

Fernanda Teodoro da Silva, the duty manager at the Better Walthamstow Leisure Centre jumped into action after seeing gym regular Dom Fletcher collapse from a heart attack, reports Holly Kintuka

Fernanda Teodoro da Silva, duty manager at Better Walthamstow, Credit: Better Walthamstow

Fernanda Teodoro da Silva, the duty manager at the Better Walthamstow Leisure Centre, has been branded as a hero after saving the life of a man who suffered a cardiac arrest. 

Dom Fletcher, who is a regular attendee of the leisure centre’s HIT fitness classes, was in the middle of a session when he suddenly collapsed.

Fernanda who was the first aider on site the day of the incident, was manning reception when she heard someone shout, “We need a first aider.”

She recalls “quickly checking Dom’s chest and realising he was not breathing”. Fernanda then gave him chest compressions while two of her colleagues, Angela and Farah, prepared the defibrillation equipment and called emergency services. 

Fernanda said: “I administered one shock to Dom’s chest, and then a paramedic appeared on the scene. For the next four or five minutes, we worked together to administer further shocks.

“Dom was unconscious for around ten minutes before he woke up and asked what was happening. I have never been so relieved.”

Dom was taken to hospital and remained there for ten days. Once he was discharged, he wrote to the leisure centre to say thank you to the members of staff who helped save his life.

He wrote: “One member of your staff in particular was outstanding. Fernanda Teodoro da Silva quickly took control of the situation, identified that I was not breathing and immediately initiated CPR. Her calm, speedy and effective actions undoubtedly saved my life.

“Please can I ask that you pass on my thanks to Fernanda and all your Walthamstow staff (Angela and Farah) who were present on that day and who kept me alive until the emergency services could take over.”

In his letter he added that his chance of survival would have likely been “slim” had he suffered the cardiac arrest alone or not within reach of a trained first-aider with a defibrillator to hand.

Lorraine Patrions, the people director of GLL (Greenwich Leisure Limited), which operates over 240 leisure centres, said: “We are so proud of Fernanda and all of the team at Walthamstow Leisure Centre for their professional care and swift action, which undoubtedly saved this man’s life.”

Fernanda, who was not meant to be on duty that day, expressed how ‘”happy” she was to be able to help save Dom’s life.

She said: “I wish Dom a speedy recovery and hope to see him back at the leisure centre soon.” 

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