
CCTV image released of East London sex assault suspect

The man tried to rape a woman in the E15 area on 1st June

CCTV of the suspect
CCTV of the suspect

Detectives are appealing for help and information to urgently find a man who tried to rape a woman in East London.

The woman, in her 30s, was approached by the stranger on Saturday, 1st June at about 10.30pm in Paul Street, E15, close to the junction with West Ham Lane.

The man approached the woman, then followed her, before grabbing her from behind and attempting to rape her.

Officers arrived at the scene within minutes but the man had left the area. It is believed he ran away from Paul Street in the direction of West Ham Lane following the woman’s scream for help.

He is described as white, 5ft 8ins tall and of medium build with dark hair and a beard. He was wearing a light denim jacket, a dark v-neck T-shirt and dark trousers.

Met officers have carried out a range of enquiries following the attack, including an extensive CCTV trawl to release the image today, and speaking to witnesses.

Detective Chief Inspector Jonathan Burks, overseeing the investigation, said: “I want to reassure people our officers are working around the clock to identify the man responsible for this awful incident.

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“We have dedicated specialist officers who are supporting the victim through this traumatic time.

“Our local officers will be around to talk to the community about any concerns they may have and we urge anyone who recognises this man or who has information that could assist police to get in contact immediately.”

If you were in the area of Paul Street, E15 at 22.30hrs on Saturday 1st June or have any information that could assist police then please call 101 or ‘X’ @MetCC and quote reference CAD 7635/01Jun24

You can also provide information anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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