
No news is good news. Or is it? 

Please support Waltham Forest Echo if you can, because no news is bad news 

A round logo with punk style lettering reading 'No news is bad news'

Last week was Indie News Week, a celebration of independent publishers of public interest news across the country, organised by The Public Interest News Foundation.

Throughout the month of June 2024, in celebration of Indie News Week, Public Interest News Foundation’s Indie News Fund is match funding all donations, patron contributions and new supporter sign ups for Waltham Forest Echo. If you think you could support Waltham Forest Echo, this month is a perfect time as your contribution will be doubled.

As long as you have a local independent news source like Waltham Forest Echo in your area, your community can stay informed – but sadly, far too many news providers aren’t able to cover their costs, and have to shut down. 

Waltham Forest Echo is published by Social Spider Community News. We’re a very small team. We’ve always been honest with you, our readers, about how much of a challenging time this is for small publishers like us.

We’re incredibly grateful for the support the community of Waltham Forest gives us.  You can see the list of people and organisations that support us with regular donations here. Without that help, we’d really be struggling. We’re also grateful to our regular advertisers, who put their faith in us to share their messages.

This story is published by Waltham Forest Echo, Waltham Forest's free monthly newspaper and free news website. We are a not-for-profit publication, published by a small social enterprise. We have no rich backers and rely on the support of our readers. Donate or become a supporter.

Just this week, we have been shortlisted in the Best Local and Community Newsletter category at 2024’s Publisher Newsletter Awards

Our news is always free for anyone who wants to read it.

Every month in print, and every day online, we bring you as much news as we humanly can with our small team, without any of the advantages of larger corporate publishers. We don’t publish ‘content’, we publish news. We don’t write clickbait stories that are intended to be picked up by search engines and targeted at people who have never set foot in our brough, never mind lived and worked here.  We try as much as we can to bring you news about Waltham Forest that you won’t find anywhere else.  If we had more resources, we would bring you more. . 

Without news, how would you know about the issues affecting your community? How would you know what your local authorities were planning or whether they were acting legally? How would you know if your local environment was being impacted and by whom? And how would you know about the positive changes in your area, the success stories? 

If you can, please support Waltham Forest Echo, your local independent news provider today and keep your community in the know. No news is bad news.

The Waltham Forest Echo team.

No news is bad news 

Independent news outlets like ours – reporting for the community without rich backers – are under threat of closure, turning British towns into news deserts. 

The audiences they serve know less, understand less, and can do less. 

If our coverage has helped you understand our community a little bit better, please consider supporting us with a monthly, yearly or one-off donation. 

Choose the news. Don’t lose the news.

Monthly direct debit 

Annual direct debit

£5 per month supporters get a digital copy of each month’s paper before anyone else, £10 per month supporters get a digital copy of each month’s paper before anyone else and a print copy posted to them each month.  £50 annual supporters get a digital copy of each month's paper before anyone else.

Donate now with Pay Pal

More information on supporting us monthly or annually 

More Information about donations