Highams Park News

Highams Park Station shut after casualty on tracks

Paramedics were unable to revive the person who was pronounced dead at the scene yesterday evening

Highams Park Station was shut for several hours yesterday evening due to a fatality on the tracks.

British Transport Police (BTP) officers were called to the line at around 7.16pm yesterday (2nd June) following reports of a casualty on the tracks. Paramedics also attended, but were unable to revive the person.

A spokesperson for BTP said: “Paramedics attended, however sadly a person was pronounced dead at the scene. The incident is not being treated as suspicious and a file will be prepared for the coroner.”

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The incident led to London Overground services being suspended between Liverpool Street and Chingford until around 9.50pm, Transport for London (TfL) said.

An ambulance crew, an incident response officer, a paramedic in a fast response car and members of the London Ambulance Service’s (LAS) hazardous area response team (HART) were sent to the scene.

The first paramedic arrived on the scene in less than four minutes after being called, a spokesperson for the LAS added.

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